Author: Marius Cucuruz
[draft] BDD: Behat & Gherkin
Behaviour-driven development (BDD) is an Agile software development methodology that emphasises collaboration among developers, QA experts, and customer representatives / stake holders. It is based on the concept of test-driven development (TDD) and is focused on end-user requirements and their interactions with the product / service. Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) involves […]
NodeJS vs Node.JS vs NestJS vs TypeScript vs server-side JavaScript
Does server-side JavaScript mean NodeJS? Is Node.JS the same as nodejs? Well yes, but… no.
NodeJS is server-side JavaScript, but server-side JavaScript is not NodeJS. So the answer is an hesitating “yes… but actually no“.
WordPress Error: Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘wp_postmeta.PRIMARY’
I got this error when I changed the hosting of one of my WordPress websites: And I assume something’s got overlapped during the migration where the AUTO_INCREMENT values are wrongly registered by WordPress engine. To fix this, just by reading the error message, I needed to update the AUTO_INCREMENT on […]
A successful directory structure
Don’t just dump it all in the root! If software development is your job, then just don’t be that guy! Consider a project like the one described in my Advanced WordPress and Docker or FastAPI on Docker posts. I prefer to organise my code into directories for the application code […]
Python API on Docker with FastAPI
This article demonstrates how to run aPython API on Docker, with the FastAPI framework. We’ll be taking advantage of the built-in OpenAPI documentation feature. Considerations The code presented here runs on Python v3.11 and will set up a virtual environment to cache its requirements, rather than installing them globally (on […]
Advanced WordPress on Docker with SSL on Nginx
This article essentially picks up on the WordPress on Docker (with nginx-mysql) post. It demonstrates how to host a WordPress website on Docker, with Nginx as the webserver (and SSL from LetsEncrypt), and a MySQL database. We’ll address a known issue with file permissions with WordPress files created or edited […]
Run WordPress on Docker (with nginx)
Synopsis This article describes how to configure and deploy a WordPress instance, either in production or for local development (and assumes a beginner+ / enthusiast+ level in DevOps).To achieve this, other than the official WordPress codebase, we will also need a database and a web server which we’ll refer to […]
Restore MySQL Replication
an introduction is needed before diving into the procedures…
Configure MySQL Replication (draft)
setting up MySQL replication
Deploy Laravel with Apache on Ubuntu
Tasks: Ubuntu 14.04 (or greater) OpenSSL, OpenSSH, Git SendMail, cURL, Perl Apache 2 PHP 7.0 (7.2) MySQL Webmin Composer Laravel Framework Prerequisites Note: It’s assumed the VM already has Ubuntu installed at this stage. See online documentation on how to spin up a virtual machine and for installing Ubuntu 14 […]
Deploy WordPress on CentOS (tutorial)
# install tools: sudo yum install centos-release-scl.noarch nano bash-completion net-tools wget curl lsof # install dependencies: sudo yum install git openssh-clients gettext-devel openssl openssl-devel zlib-devel curl sendmail python perl-CPAN perl-devel perl perl-Net-SSLeay openssl perl-IO-Tty perl-Encode-Detect # install apache: sudo yum install httpd sudo systemctl enable httpd.service sudo systemctl start httpd.service […]